About plasticfreehabits.com

Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you feel the need to share your passion with those around you? 

I am passionate about reducing my footprint on this beautiful, vibrant Earth. A keen secondhand shopper – I haven’t purchased anything “new” in a long while. Recently I took on the commitment of going vegan and soon after, I took the pledge to go “plastic free”. Although I haven’t been perfect, I am damn proud of the progress that I have made and the awareness that I have gained about this global epidemic. 

I started seeing posts on Instagram and all over the internet of people buying reusable coffee cups, ditching plastic straws and cutlery and bringing their own takeaway containers – people were posting pretty pictures of their “plastic free” items and participating in Plastic Free July. Girls were converting from tampons and pads and investing in menstrual cups – I soon realised that those around me caught the plastic free bug too! However, the more I saw, the more I became frustrated – these people were throwing away perfectly good tupperware & everyday items, ditching & wasting what they ALREADY HAD and essentially contributing to landfill all in the aim to be seen as “trendy”.  

It got me thinking.. Is this plastic free movement just a trend..? 

So this is me, pictured below. Plastic sunnies, plastic choker (because the 90’s rule) and plastic coffee cup. I am using and reusing what I already have and simply avoiding single use items whereever and whenever I can.  

I am real and together we can make an impact. 
Together, we can clean up this earth, reducing our personal contributions to landfill and refusing one plastic item at a time.