Can I recycle this? How to know what can & can’t be recycled
Recycling. It can be a confusing topic. Here is a simple list of what you can and can’t recycle & the do’s and don’t of the recycling world:
- Paper bags
- Junk mail
- Catalogs/magazines/newspapers
- Envelopes (stamps included!)
- Paper (dyed & undyed)
- Cardboard such as cereal boxes, shoe boxes, egg cartons & toilet/paper-towel rolls
- Fruit punnets
- Aluminum such as drink cans, foil (including disposable baking trays)
- Any glass bottles and jars
- Single plastic bags (shopping bags, produce bags etc)
- Food scraps
- Polystyrene foam
Do your research! Ask your local council or check online as to what you can & can’t recycle in your state/country & reduce the amount of crap going to landfill each year!
Clean vs dirty recycling – do you need to wash your recyclables?
A common question and source of confusion among many of us, is whether or not you need to rinse out your recyclables before you place them in the recycling bin.
So how clean do tins, glass jars, pizza boxes and other recyclable items need to be before they can go in the recycling bin?
Answer: Wash your recyclables! A rough rinse should do the trick. It is true that a single non- rinsed container can contaminate THOUSANDS OF POUNDS worth of recyclables – do you want a guilty conscious? Probably not. Therefore, it is important to scrape out all visible food scraps out of jars and cans before placing them in the recycling.